For some sizzling stepford square dancing, so come on in 来点火辣的斯戴福四方舞了那么进来吧
For some sizzling stepford square dancing, so come on in 来点火辣的斯戴福四方舞了那么进来吧
I'm through playing games . it's time to end this square dance once and for all 我愿意玩游戏是该一劳永逸的解决问题的时候了
A person who calls out numbers or directions, as at a bingo game or a square dance 现在这些赌博游戏场正改作电影俱乐部,这往往就意味著他们要放映黄色影片。
He can square dance, i ve done the macarena-and unlike vice-president gore-i actually move 第一是认为既然民众无法对解决问题有所帮助,那就不须要让他们知道有问题。
If you visit on mule day, you might see a mule-driving contest, a square dance, a crafts festival, or even a lumberjack competition 假如您于骡日当天来访,您可能会看见驾骡比赛、方块舞、工艺展示甚或是伐木工人竞赛。
Lll . be a thoughtful dancer : [ / b ] personal cleanliness is important in square dancing . don't forget to use something to sweeten your breath . don't drink, smoke … 体贴的舞者:个人洁净是非常重要,不要忘记使用一些可使口气清新之物品,活动前不喝酒、不抽烟等。
[b ] lll . be a thoughtful dancer : [ / b ] personal cleanliness is important in square dancing . don't forget to use something to sweeten your breath . don't drink, smoke … 体贴的舞者:个人洁净是非常重要,不要忘记使用一些可使口气清新之物品,活动前不喝酒、不抽烟等。
In fourth grade, your idea of a friend was the person who was willing to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck with nasty nicky or smelly susan 四年级时,好朋友是那个在体育馆内跳方块舞时与你交换舞伴,让你不必与讨厌的尼克或者苏姗跳舞的人。
In fourth grade, your idea of a good friend was the person who willing to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck with nasty nick or smelly susan 在四年级时,你心目中的好朋友在体育馆愿意和你交换方块舞伴,你因此不必忍受邋遢的尼克或难闻的苏珊。